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Our charitable investment priorities at ConocoPhillips Malaysia closely align with the company’s business objectives. Our CSR pillars and sustainability efforts are primarily in three areas: the community, health safety and environment, and our people. Our focus for the community is to enhance the quality of life and promote education in the rural areas of Sabah and Sarawak through our partnerships with MACEE and MyKasih Foundation. We are providing access to tertiary education through our Scholarship Award and improving the daily lives of those less fortunate through programs with Global Peace Foundation. We engage with our stakeholders and the communities where we operate to understand their needs and contribute to economic opportunities. We are progressing the journey toward a diverse, equitable and inclusive work environment for a healthier and productive workforce. Above all, we will continue to champion the health and safety of our employees and our operations, as well as our commitment to preserve the nature and environment around us. Wherever we operate, we will conduct our business with respect and care for both the local and global environment and systematically manage risks to drive sustainable business growth.

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