Philip Morris (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd

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At PMI, our approach to sustainability addresses our ESG priorities through eight impact-driven strategies. Four of these strategies focus on the impacts derived from our products, and four focus on the impacts derived from our business operations. Our strategy highlights the importance of governance-related topics, which cannot be overstated. Our company’s policies, rules, and procedures define our ability to implement sound strategies that successfully address environmental and social issues. The biggest and most pressing negative externality our strategy aims to address is the health impacts of cigarette smoking. This is the most important contribution we can make to public health, and is the cornerstone of PMI’s purpose and business strategy. In PMM, sustainability and CSR is more than just minimizing negative externalities. We’ve partnered with Reef Check Malaysia to install cigarette butt litter cannisters across the country which has on average collected around 2000 kg of cigarette butt litter nationwide. The data-driven pilot program allows us to identify hot-spots in KL and beyond KL of high litter; gearing us to work with local councils to ensure these litters do not block drainage and water-systems. This is a positive step forward in our sustainability efforts as this results in significant amounts of cellulose acetate, fine paper, and smoke residue averted from the environment and water sources. Internally we are also shifting the way we work into habits of sustainability, completely changing our fleets to be hybrid-run, shifting our office to a more eco-friendly building and eradicating plastic cups usage at all pantries. We are pleased to announce that PMM has launched its first Sustainability Report 2021 –Delivering A Smoke-Free Future. This report shows how much Malaysia has leaped forward under our sustainability and CSR umbrella, and we are extremely proud of the progress we have made thus far.

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